Supplementary Budget Bill: MassGOP Highlights Fiscal Concerns Over Migrant Crisis Spending

Supplementary Budget Bill: MassGOP Highlights Fiscal Concerns Over Migrant Crisis Spending
April 25, 2024
Boston– Today, the Democratic supermajority in the House appropriated another $426 million in surplus taxpayer dollars to continue funding and perpetuating the migrant crisis in Massachusetts. This is an additional round of millions after Beacon Hill has already allocated approximately $700 million throughout this current fiscal year.
Representative, Marcus Vaughn (R – 9th Norfolk), joined the Republican caucus in voting against the additional spending on the migrant crisis stating, “We can’t indefinitely allocate taxpayer dollars for this program without a viable solution. Republicans in both the House and Senate have proposed solutions aimed at addressing this crisis by offering amendments to limit the right to shelter law to long term residents as it was originally intended.”
“Despite purported concerns voiced by democrats about fiscal sustainability, their legislative actions indicate otherwise. The pattern is evident: bill after bill focused on spending our way out of this crisis. We’ve tapped into various funding sources to address this crisis, but the reality remains that resources are finite. Without solutions, residents will ultimately bear the brunt of this financial strain,” Vaughn added.
MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale, stressed the importance of electing Republicans in November to resolve this crisis, “Two things have become apparent: Governor Healey clearly can’t secure federal funds to address the ongoing budget needs, and President Biden isn’t going to do a thing to stop the crisis at the border. That leaves us with only one option, and it’s to amend the right to shelter law to have at least a six-month residency requirement to qualify for emergency shelter. It’s clear the Democratic supermajority isn’t going to take action at this point. They will continue spending taxpayers’ dollars until they completely dry up the well. To end this crisis, voters need to come out in November and vote to elect Republicans across the Commonwealth.”