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Senate Candidate Chris Lauzon Joins MassGOP in Holding Senator Cyr Accountable for Dodging Wind Turbine Scandal

Senate Candidate Chris Lauzon Joins MassGOP in Holding Senator Cyr Accountable for Dodging Wind Turbine Scandal

August 8, 2024


Boston, MA– State Senator Julian Cyr (D-Cape and Islands) has made his priorities clear. Nantucket residents were outraged yesterday when Cyr attended the long-anticipated Nantucket Select Board meeting but left before hearing comments from the community. A review of Cyr’s OCPF campaign contributions reveals a telling pattern: Senator Cyr received eleven donations from the Avangrid Renewables employees this year. Avangrid, is the parent company of Vineyard Wind, the company responsible for the environmental disaster on Nantucket, where a wind turbine blade fell into the ocean, disintegrated, polluting the ocean and shorelines, and gravely affecting residents and businesses.


MassGOP Executive Director John Milligan criticized Senator Cyr’s blatant arrogance and disregard for his constituents, stating, “Senator Cyr has deliberately made himself unavailable to address this issue, showing little to no interest in hearing community concerns. This was also the first time the Senator appeared on Nantucket since the wind turbine tragedy. It’s more likely that Cyr was in communication with Avangrid employees, strategizing how to spin a narrative for his favorite donors.”


“On the other hand, Republican senatorial candidate Chris Lauzon arrived on Nantucket shortly after the environmental disaster to better understand the situation and advocate for the community. He visited the affected beach that day and returned last night to stay for the entire Select Board Meeting. Lauzon listened to community members and demonstrated his unwavering support for the local residents,” said Milligan.


Republican Senate Candidate for the Cape and Island, Chris Lauzon, joined the MassGOP stating, “This is a serious problem for the entire district. We need a senator who cares and doesn’t have a conflict of interest with Avangrid. As the next senator I will protect the environment and interests of the district, not corporations.”

