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MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale Slams Biden’s Immigration Order: A Political Ploy

MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale Slams Biden’s Immigration Order: A Political Ploy

June 5, 2024


Boston, MAFollowing the announcement of President Biden’s border executive order, MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale released the following statement: “President Biden’s executive order comes far too late, as Massachusetts taxpayers expended almost $1 billion on the immigration crisis last year due to outdated state policies, and another $1 billion will be spent this year. This funding comes at the expense of our seniors, veterans and important community programs. If President Biden were truly serious about border security, the executive order would have been implemented long ago. It’s evident that this action is a mere attempt to boost Biden’s flailing poll numbers and distract from the reality that Biden himself created this immigration crisis.”

