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Statement from MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale on the arraignment of former President Trump

Statement from MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale

on the arraignment of former President Trump


April 4, 2023


Massachusetts Republican Party Chair Amy Carnevale released the following statement on the arraignment of former President Trump:


“The arraignment today of the former President appears to be based on contrived legal arguments and discredits the notion of judicial integrity and impartiality. The case was declined by both the Department of Justice and the Federal Elections Commission yet incredibly was taken up by the Manhattan DA.


The prosecution and today’s arraignment appear to be little more than a way for this DA who campaigned on prosecuting the former President to advance his own career.


The last several years have been marked by political divisiveness both at a national level and here in Massachusetts. This arraignment does a disservice to our Nation’s attempt to move toward more productive political dialogue.”

