MassGOP Statement Relating to Settlement Agreement

MassGOP Statement Relating to Settlement Agreement
September 29, 2023
Woburn – The Massachusetts Republican Party has reached a settlement with the Office of the Attorney General to end the ongoing investigation into campaign violations by the party in the 2020 cycle. This investigation came as a result of a criminal referral to the Attorney General by the Office of Campaign and Political Finance into actions by the past party administration.
The Massachusetts Republican Party admits no liability relating to allegations that the MassGOP received impermissible contributions. In return for a release of claims, the party agrees to a settlement payment to the Commonwealth of $15,000. The party’s role in this matter is now resolved.
Chair Amy Carnevale stated, “I inherited a party that was under grand jury investigation for campaign finance violations, involved in multiple lawsuits, but most importantly a desire from Republicans to move the party forward. This week’s settlement, and the earlier resolution of four inherited lawsuits, allows the party to focus on the future.”