MassGOP Stands with Taxpayers: Calls for Accountability in Beacon Hill’s Backroom Deals

MassGOP Stands with Taxpayers: Calls for Accountability in Beacon Hill’s Backroom Deals
June 10, 2024
Boston, MA–A recent investigative report from the Boston Globe has uncovered insider dealings on Beacon Hill, where Democratic leaders are given committee chair positions that achieve little, primarily to increase their salaries. The Globe article highlights the growing need to audit the legislature, a ballot measure that was reviewed and rejected by the lawmakers.
MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale, provided comment on the questionable committee assignments stating, “This is business as usual on Beacon Hill under the Democratic supermajority. Senate President Spilka and Speaker Mariano assert their authority by awarding raises to their rank-and-file members, cementing their control over legislative affairs and enabling them to operate without challenge behind closed doors. Consequently, taxpayers are the ones left funding these power dynamics. It’s unfortunate but not surprising; as the old saying goes, ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’”
“Twelve legislative committees neither held hearings nor considered legislation during the current session. The chairs and vice chairs of those committees have collected $380,000 in stipends for serving no real purpose. Legislative leaders claim these assignments are meant to develop subject matter experts, but there is no need for taxpayer-funded committees for legislators to conduct research they can do independently,” Carnevale continued.
“It’s clear why Democrats rejected the ballot question calling for a legislative audit. Everything is done behind closed doors, and insider dealings among Democrats result in legislators being financially rewarded for their inefficiencies. Massachusetts voters need to support State Auditor Diana DiZoglio’s ballot initiative to audit the legislature and finally hold the Democratic supermajority accountable,” Carnevale concluded.