MassGOP Slams Senate President Spilka’s Opposition to Legislative Audit: A Call for Transparency in Massachusetts

MassGOP Slams Senate President Spilka’s Opposition to Legislative Audit: A Call for Transparency in Massachusetts
February 3, 2025
Boston, MA– The Massachusetts Republican Party stands in strong support of Auditor Dianna DiZoglio’s efforts and the 72% of Massachusetts voters who called for a full audit of the legislature. Over the weekend, Senate President Karen Spilka rebuked DiZoglio’s calls to audit the legislature, a mandate set forth by a ballot question. The MassGOP condemns Spilka’s remarks as she pushes against the audit while claiming that the legislature is already transparent.
MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale issued a statement on Spilka’s remarks, saying, “Massachusetts ranks among the lowest in the nation in terms of government transparency. It’s absurd for the Senate President to attempt to spin this reality. The truth is, everyone in the Commonwealth knows that real debates and legislative deal-making happen in closed-door meetings and behind ‘executive sessions.’ These practices bar the press and public from knowing what is truly happening while bills are being debated, shielding the legislature from accountability.”
Carnevale continued, “Invoking President Trump into the argument is nothing more than an attempt by the Senate President to deflect from the issue. This is not a partisan matter—it is a bipartisan issue. The people of Massachusetts deserve transparency, and they have spoken loud and clear. Voters across the state overwhelmingly support an audit, allowing the Auditor to open the books in both the House and Senate.”
“The fact that Senate President Spilka and the Democratic supermajority are so resistant to this audit is a red flag,” Carnevale added. “Their reluctance to let the Auditor hold the legislature accountable only further proves the need for this transparency. We stand firmly with Auditor DiZoglio’s efforts and the people of Massachusetts in demanding the accountability they deserve.”