MassGOP Urges Ethics Investigation into Governor Healey’s No-Bid Contract Awarded to Campaign Contributor

MassGOP Urges Ethics Investigation into Governor Healey’s No-Bid Contract Awarded to Campaign Contributor
April 5, 2024
Boston– Four out of the five no-bid contracts awarded by Governor Healey at the onset of the migrant crisis have now reached their expiration. Among these contracts was one with Spinelli’s, amounting to a substantial $10,000,000. As the month draws to a close, Spinelli’s general manager extended gratitude to the Governor through a $1,000 campaign contribution. Moreover, staff at Spinelli’s have been consistent donors to Governor Healey’s campaign, contributing nine times throughout both 2022 and 2023.
MassGOP Chairwoman Amy Carnevale raised concerns about the link between campaign contributions and the $10,000,000 contract, stating, “It’s difficult not to suspect a level of pay-to-play dynamics with this no-bid contract. Governor Healey appears unable to shake off the perception of unethical conduct. Whether it’s her nomination of her former romantic partner to Massachusetts’ highest court, her secretive travels, or how she seemingly rewarded a campaign contributor with a substantial no-bid contract.”
“I urge the ethics commission to investigate the correlation between Spinelli’s regular donations to the Healey campaign and the subsequent awarding of this $10,000,000 contract. These recurring questionable actions demand scrutiny, and this particular instance stands out as one of the most blatant examples,” Carnevale concluded.