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MassGOP Exposes Governor Healey’s Hiring Hypocrisy: Calls for Reversal of Cabinet Raises

MassGOP Exposes Governor Healey’s Hiring Hypocrisy: Calls for Reversal of Cabinet Raises

April 3, 2024


Boston– Governor Healey has announced a hiring freeze for state positions. Unfortunately the damage has already been done following a term where she embarked on a hiring spree of bureaucrats earning six-figure salaries, and gave raises to her already highly paid cabinet.


MassGOP Chairwoman, Amy Carnevale, commented on Governor Healey’s hiring hypocrisies stating, “Months ago, Governor Healey granted members of her cabinet a raise of approximately $15,000. These raises were substantial to start with, but when considering that some salaries were already at $181,750 before the raise, and now stand at $196,550, it becomes even more absurd.”


“Democrats love nothing more than to bash high paid executives for their salaries when their businesses are in trouble. Why don’t Democrats follow their own principles and have their executives take pay cuts for the benefit of the Commonwealth? At the very least, members of her cabinet should return their $15,000 raises, which brought salaries close to $200,000 annually. Taxpayers deserve at least this much,” Carnevale concluded

