MassGOP Calls Out Transportation Secretary’s Commuting Hypocrisy

MassGOP Calls Out Transportation Secretary’s Commuting Hypocrisy
June 18, 2024
Boston, MA– The Massachusetts Secretary of Transportation stated that she does not use the commuter rail located five minutes from her home because it is inconvenient and “insanely expensive.” Instead, she drives to work like the majority of Massachusetts residents. This statement would not be a significant issue if she were not the Secretary of Transportation and actively creating policy to deter car ownership. However, it appears hypocritical for her to push policies that make driving more difficult while she herself opts to use her state-owned vehicle instead of following the practices she advocates.
MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale commented on Tibbits-Nutt’s statements, calling them hypocritical. She stated, “The Secretary has advocated for congestion pricing, taxing car owners, additional excise taxes, and increasing bike lanes. These policies are designed to make driving inconvenient and burdensome for Massachusetts residents, despite the fact that cars are a necessary part of people’s lives. Tibbits-Nutt needs to consider her own personal commute and incorporate her experience when dictating policies. This ‘rules for thee but not for me’ approach exemplifies the hypocrisy of the Democratic party, and voters need to reject this type of governing at the polls this November.”